
  • Ahmed Hamid Saleh Northern Technical University / Administrative Technology Collage, Mosul



The letters form a front face that can be recognition as a transformative process that transforms the paper document into a fully editable form. The explanatory necessity because of the urgent need associated with the work of the computer, which is based on the processing of the data, shortens the time and limits it based on the accuracy and speed of completion of the computer work as well as clarity by the user.
This paper suggests a new method of letter recognition based on modified the technique of threshold and correlation coefficient, which marks the process of recognition between the 28 letters and letters of the Arabic language. The results obtained in the applied process on the set of these characters in various and multiple sizes(volume letter) (24, 26, 28, 30, 34, 38, 40, 45, 50) and multiple lines (Simplified Arabic, Arial, Traditional Arabic, Tahoma), which effect obtaining high scores when calculating the recognetion ratio of 99.70, this method has the flexibility and speed of other methods used to process this process.


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