A Comparison Study for the Effect of Applying Image Filters on Image’s Statistical Distribution


  • Mohammed Fadhil Ibrahim Middle Technical University- Technical College of Management – Baghdad



الكلمات المفتاحية:

Images processing، Image filtering، Statistical distribution، Textural Images، Probability Density Function


Image filters has taken attention last few years due to its importance in terms of image processing and applications. Applying image filters on images elements can be affected by the values of image parameters, which resulted from any processing tasks. By applying image filters, we can extent the image processing methods to present higher productivity. In this paper, we compare the effect of applying five image filters on the statistical distribution, which are (Laplacian, Differentiation, LOG, Sharpening, and Gaussian). Our method has been applied for a number of textural images (water texture, wool texture, and wood texture), the images has been divided for three groups according to the texture type. The result of our method proved that some of image filter affects the statistical distribution of image elements which are: (Differentiation, LOG, Sharpening) while other do not affect the parameter distribution (Laplacian, Gaussian). We evaluate our method by calculating the value of (MSE). The method opens the door in front of extending such technique with other image processing aspects. Keywords: Images processing, Image filtering, Statistical distribution, Textural Images, Probability Density Function


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