Automatic Lip reading for decimal digits using ResNet50 Model


  • Kadhim Mahdi Hashim2
  • Kwakib Saadun Naif1


الكلمات المفتاحية:

CNN، ResNet50 and viola jones


Lip reading is a method to understand speech through the movement of the lips, as audio speech is not
inclusive of all Categories of society, especially the hearing impaired or people in noisy environments.
Lip reading is the best and alternative solution to this problem. Our proposed system solves this problem
by taking a video of the person speaking with digits. Then the pre-processing process is carried out by
Viola Jones algorithm, by cutting the video into a sequential frame, then detecting the face, then the
mouth, deducting the mouth region of interest(ROI), and inserting the mouth frame into the convolutional
neural network (ResNet50), where the results are classified and the test frames is matched with the
training frames if it is done Matching, the network is working correctly and the correct digit is spoken.
But if the test frame is not matched with the training framework, then there is an error rate in the
network’s work and there is an error rate in the network. For that, we used a standard database to
pronounce the digits from 0 to 9, and we took seven speaking people, 5 males and 2 females, and we got
an accuracy of 86%.



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