Comparison of DenseNet201 and ResNet50 for lip reading of decimal Digits


  • Kwakib Saadun Naif1
  • Kadhim Mahdi Hashim2


الكلمات المفتاحية:

Lip reading, Recognition، CNN، Densenet201 and ResNet50


Lip reading is a technology supportive of humanity. It a process that interprets the movement of the lips
to understand speech by means of visual interpretation. Where understanding speech is difficult for some
groups of people, especially the hearing impaired or people who are in noisy environments such as the
airport or factories lip reading is the alternative source for understanding what people are saying.
In the proposal the work starts with inserting the video into the Viola Jones algorithm and taking a
sequential frame of the face image, then face detection, mouth detection and ROI cropping, then inserting
the mouth frame into a convolutional neural network (DenseNet201) or ReNet50 neural network where
features are extracted and then the test frames are categorized. In this research, a database consisting of
35 videos of seven people (5 males and 2 females) was used to pronounce decimal numbers (0, 1, 2, ...,
9). The test results indicate that the accuracy in DenseNet20 network is 90%, and in ResNet50 network
we got an accuracy of 86%.


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