On fuzzy soft m-hyponormal operator


  • Salim Dawood Mohsen
  • Hanan Khalid Mousa



الكلمات المفتاحية:

fuzzy soft ℳ hyponormal operator، soft fuzzy soft ℳ hyponormal operator


The aim of this search, is to introduce some notions of fuzzy soft ℳ hyponormal operator
defined on fuzzy soft Hilbart space, denoted by ℱ????ℳℎ-operator ,also some important
properties of this operator, as well as discussion for some theorems related to this operator,
also in this paper we investigate another generalized of some types of hyponormal
operator which as soft fuzzy soft ℳ hyponormal operator, shortly (????ℱ????ℳℎ ????operator
and some theorems of operations about this concepts have been given


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