Securing Transactions Using Hybrid Cryptography in E-commerce Apps


  • Ghanima Sabr Shyaa
  • Mishall Al-Zubaidie*1



The development of technology at the present time leads to an increase in the use of electronic
commerce due to the increase in demand processes, whether selling or buying goods, products,
services, or payment requests, and that the transfer of information the merchants is sensitive and
important information, and this information or operations may be subject to penetration or attacks. In
this research, we designed a protocol that integrates the Fernet algorithm and the ElGamal algorithm,
and we use the Data Leakage Detection Technology (DLD) to safeguard e-commerce transaction
data. This protocol provid high security for information, and the integration of algorithms provides
high security and strong performance for information transactions that are difficult to hack. We
incorporate encryption algorithms to achieve a high level of security and performance. The proposed
protocol is higher in security and performance than the algorithms of previous studies.


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