Study Effect Hormone Doping (Growth Horemone Releasing Hexo- Peptids(GHRP- (6) and Insuline of Cholesterol, Triglycerides, High and Low Density Lipoprotein to Laboratory Rats


  • Ali M .Hussein The Sumer of University -college of Agriculture
  • Zaeinab H.Farhood Thi – Qar of University - college of Education pure sciences – Biology Department
  • Satar A. Faris Thi – Qar of University - college of Education pure sciences – Biology Department


الكلمات المفتاحية:

GHRP-6، nsuline، cholesterol، VLDL، HDL، T.G


The study showed the effect of hormonal activity GHRP-6 and insulin used in laboratory animals by 48
males and 48 females divided into six groups. The control group was injected with a 0.1 mg solution and
the other groups were injected with a mixture of stimulants at 0.01and 0.01 times syringe (P <0.05) in the
first group of males and in the female treatment groups, and a significant increase in the complex
triglycerides excluding the group (P <0.05) and both sexes were observed, (P <0.05) was significantly
higher in proteins VLDL and HDL in male rats and significantly lower in fameles (P <0.05), significant
increase (P <0.05), was significantly higher in Cholesterol in the male rats and significant decrease in
fameles (P <0.05) treated with a combination of stimulants (GHRP-6 + Insulin) compared with control


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