Mobility of SCADA System in Enrolment with Fuzzy Logic Technology
Supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) system are used in industries to monitor the
machines' performances. The machine produced many data that fed into the computer for processing. From the data given, the controller or operator will know the performance of the machines. In this research, the use of SCADA is proposed to monitor the enrolment process in an institution. The proposed SCADA system is a mobile SCADA where an app is designed to monitor the number of candidates enrolled, dropped the programmes enrolled and reasons of dropping the programmes enrolled. All the detail of enrolment data is fed from the front-line operators and the data is interface to the management's mobile terminal via the Internet connection. The paper provides the design of the system using Fuzzy Logic (FL) technology and the app design. The results will show how the Fuzzy Logic (FL) plays an important role to manage and control the data of the enrolment.
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