Inhibitory Effect of Extracts of Fruit Peels in the Growth of some Bacteria Positive and Negative Dye Cram


  • Iqbal Aziz Amin Thi Qar University/ Faculty of Sciences/ Department of Biology



Collected the fruits of different plant species (Orange Citrus, Pomegranate Punica granatum L. and Kiwi Actinidia) From local markets to the city of Nasiriyah and dried dandruff in addition to fat pomegranate and attended water extracts and alcoholic for these fruits and studied the effectiveness of inhibiting the growth of bacterial isolates four local, two of which were negative for dye Cram are:   E. coli , Pseudomonas aeruginosa, And two positive dye Cram are: Bacillus cereus and Staphylococcus aureus. And found that the alcoholic extract of the fat pomegranate was the highest efficacy in inhibition (40 ml) for all bacterial species studied, followed by alcoholic extract of the peels of pomegranate (32 ml) with the exception of the bacteria Bacillus cereus, and was the lowest concentration of inhibitor due to the aqueous extract and alcoholic orange.


